The Milk TWITTER PARTY!!!!!!


Who loves Milk?  How many of you are on Twitter?  Can I please see a show of hands? WOW!  That’s more than half the blog-o-sphere…..  Well with that being said….  LET’S HAVE A PARTY!!!!  Latina Mom Bloggers, The Positivity Ambassadors (which I’m part of), Toma Leche, and the Master of the Glass Half Full would like to invite you to a Twitter party.  We can chit chat about all our favorite milk based recipes, and talk about the benefits of milk too!  What do you say?  YES!  Great.  Let’s meet up November 16th 6 – 7:30p.m. PT (9-10:30p.m. ET).  This is going to be one heck of a milk bash….  Let me take a swig of my milk just to tell you about the prizes.


Oster Classic Beehive Blender with a Six Month’s Supply of Milk

Two (2) Six Month’s Supply of Milk

Tree of Life Yoga Kit with a Six Month’s Supply of Milk

NOOKColor & skin with a Six Month’s Supply of Milk


WHEN: Wednesday, November 16th, 2011, at 6-7:30 pm PT or 9-10:30 pm EST

WHERE: Twitter hashtag #Positivismo

WHO TO FOLLOW: Special Guest: @maestropositivo a.k.a. El Maestro del Vaso Medio Lleno (The Master of the Glass Half Full)

Panelists: @SassyScorpYM, @Eva_Smith, @michellerivera5, @daytrippingmom, @unknownmami, @shesnachomama, @darielacruz, @nibblesnfeasts, @yvonneinla, @spousesprite, @presleyspantry, @vidacoco, @colombianaenCA, @mamanoticias

RSVP: To be eligible to win prizes, you must RSVP at

Click here to enter.

OFFICIAL RULES: Please make sure to read the official rules at Latina Mom Bloggers.

* Six month’s supply of milk is calculated at 5 gallons per month for six months at $4 per gallon equaling $120 to be paid in the form of a gift card.

Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored campaign with the California Milk Processor’s Board and Latina Mom Bloggers.

*Twitter, NOOKColor, VividView, Oster and Tree of Life Yoga are the trademarks of their respective owners, and they are not affiliated with California Milk Processor Board.






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