
This blog is a collection of my personal favorite recipes I have created in my very own kitchen.  This venture has been a dream of mine to create for many moons.  I have made it my mission to personally handcraft and edit this blog just so every finishing touch reflects my vision and is my very own expression of self.  If you have any questions, please contact presleyspantry@gmail.com .  Presley’s Pantry gladly accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, or other forms of compensation.  This blog is circulated through word of mouth advertisements, and abides by all marketing standards. I believe in having honest relations and providing an open forum to freely express opinions and identities.  Any monies received may influence the advertising content, topics, or submissions posted on this blog.  All sponsored or compensated content will be clearly identified in advertising spaces made available for such content.  Presley’s Pantry is not compensated for providing opinions on any other services, websites, or products.  All posts, submissions, opinions, and beliefs expressed are solely those of my own.  I shall only endorse such products that based upon my own expertise and personal usage merits worthy mention and suggestion.  Any representations and claims about said products should be further referenced through the product manufacturer.  This personal blog does not contain or endorse any material which may be deemed as controversial or present a conflict of interest.  This creation is a treasure trove of delicious and delectable treats that will delight the most discernible taste buds.  Please enjoy creating these recipes and sharing them with your loved ones, and feel free to provide your feedback.