Taking Small Steps Towards A Better Version Of My Family

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Knowledge Universe. However all opinions and the recipe are 100% my own.


It’s really an amazing gift being a Mom. I know we hear all these stories about being a parent before having children of our own and don’t really know how to gage it all. The truth is no book or movie or prior love could have prepared me for the flood of unconditional love I have for my own child, and that’s the easy part.

What get’s hard is trying to make sure all his needs are met, and met right. I want to feed him nutritious meals, give him the tools he needs to make solid decisions in the future, and make sure he is active to maintain good health. Those three tasks seem to carry the weight of the world if you think of them in the big picture frame. Instead of getting completely overwhelmed trying to do it all perfectly everyday. We (my fiance and I) take it one step at a time. These goals are not only put in place for him, but for all of us. We want to be around many years to play, guide our son through life, and enjoy all the invaluable moments life has to offer.

Recently I wrote a post about these goals and how I have teamed up with Knowledge Universe. Knowledge Universe is this great company that cares for 0ver 160,000 kids everday and have teamed up with Michelle Obama’s Partnership for a healthier America (PHA) to help battle child obesity. The goal is to help families make little simple changes  that could lead to a healthier lifestyle. That’s obtainable. Right?

Knowledge Universe which is the parent brand to KinderCare is celebrating their new Grow Happy campaign for better health at a April 15th Open House at all of their community-based child care and early education centers. Stop by for a tour and get free registration when you enroll! Offer good April 13, 2014 through April 20, 2014. Find a center near you here

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Updates On Goals:

FOOD: We have definitely cut back in the sugar area. Since making this goal I have reduced our usually dessert making to one time a week (instead of 3 to 4 times a week). I have opted to give my son yogurt in place of ice cream or all natural fruit bars (that I make myself) as a way to reduce sugar. We have been able to stick to eating more vegetarian meals, and I have been eating more salads. My son is still working on coming around to liking salad, but it doesn’t mean I’m giving up. I have been trying different types of salads, the only one I have been successful with has been a delicious “Coconut Peanut Mango” salad (recipe coming to my blog soon), I’m guessing because it’s mainly made of fruit.


BODY: My son is enjoying his swimming lessons, and he is almost summer ready. He has been to a few swimming parties in the last couple of weeks and is already showing his cousins the new stuff he has learned. I have been consistent in walking, dancing and pilates 3 times a week. We have been making time to spend more time at the park too. I have even started doing the hula hoop in my living room. For some reason my family thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world to watch me hula hoop, I don’t mind looking like a complete clown for a good laughing session. My clothes is already starting to fit me better. 🙂 Now to just keep it up!

IMG_0368 MIND: We have definitely been cooking together more often, and that is something I really enjoy. We also incorporated reading circle, this is something my son likes that he does at school so we figured we could do it here at home too. As far as games are concerned we moved to my son’s iPad instead of the conventional board game and have been battling each other in racing games or spelling games. I love this part of our learning together bond.



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2 thoughts on “Taking Small Steps Towards A Better Version Of My Family”

  • Awesome! You are taking steps that will have life long positive benefits for your entire family! I have been on a lifelong journey that started just a couple of years ago and every small step we take help us to become a healthier version of ourselves. You are an awesome mom and should be proud of all you have accomplished! I know you will impact others with your message!

  • One step at a time.. Sounds like you are off to a great start. It’s a big job , feeding our families and it’s not always fun when we have to be the bad guy and say “no” to the junk food- but it’s worth it. Like you said, we do it out of – love.