There’s something to say about a good cup of joe, and Nescafe Dolce Gusto just made coffee even better to drink. They have these uber cool machines that pour you a cup in single servings and I have been enjoying every last drop. Well now it’s time for me to give one away to you my fine pretty. Enter to win this magnificent coffee maker and you will be one happy elf this Christmas! Check out all the delicious flavors at Nescafe Dolce Gusto online store. Let your taste buds have a party with Caramel Latte Macchiato, Espresso, Vanilla Latte, and even Chai Tea Latte.
The LUCKY winner will receive:
- One Nescafe Dolce Gusto (Piccolo model) Coffee Machine
- One box of assorted coffee capsules
Here’s how to enter to win! Up to 4 chances per person….. Good Luck!
Counts as 1 entry: Leave a comment below letting me know which time of day you love coffee the most.
Counts as 1 entry: Like Presley’s Pantry on Facebook.
Counts as 1 entry: Tweet: Awesome #Giveaway! Win a Nescafe #Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine via @Presleyspantry! Please Re-tweet!
Counts as 1 entry: Share this post with your friends on Facebook.
Yay! Up to 4 entries means better odds of winning! Please leave me a comment for each action you took so I could keep track.
Anytime! Colombians always enjoy a good cup of coffee at anytime of day!
I follow your blog on Facebook.
Honestly I don’t drink coffee, but my son does and I would love to win this for him.
I like you on Face Book!
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I tweeted!!/Adriennevh/statuses/149713775518433281
I Love My coffee during the day!
I love a cup of coffee in the afternoon. Especially at this time of year when it’s overcast and chilly!
I liked you on facebook (surprised I didn’t already!).
I tweeted ” Awesome #Giveaway! Win a Nescafe #Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine via @Presleyspantry! Please Re-tweet!“
I like Presley’s Pantry
The universe is telling me that I will win one of these, because every time I go online there is a new giveaway in my face. FINE, UNIVERSE, I ACCEPT. And you, lovely Nicole, get my entry. I will do all four.
Without further ado: I must have 2 cups of coffee every morning immediately upon waking. No less. I enjoy it very much, and I am miserable without it.
I shared on facebook
I love coffee in the morning when I just woke up
anytime of day is my favorite time for coffee!! i’m making coffee right now at 9pm and can smell the delicious aroma of it brewing as i type this now!
Thanks for this giveaway (:
I’m not really a coffee fan, but when I do have it I like it around 4pm when I get home.
I Liked you on Facebook under Aly Mashrah (:
I love the smell of coffee, but not the taste. My husband likes coffee 24/7! His favorite time is in the morning, but that is usually a cup left over from the day before. This would be great for a fresh cup everytime.
I tweeted the giveaway here:!/17sirens/status/149718473554149376
I like Presley’s Pantry on Facebook.
I tweeted!/ggerth/status/149719068696510464
The first cup of coffee in morning is magic. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !
I like coffee in the morning!
I shared on Facebook
I liked you on FB!
Morning. Specifically at the crack of dawn.
I tweeted!!/erikakerekes/status/149721904813576192
I follow you on Facebook!
I am a “first thing in the morning” coffee drinker – but hey, if I had a cool coffee machine, maybe I’d drink it more often….
I love my coffee in the mornings.
And I shared on Facebook! Four entries for me, la la la la la!
I like u already on facebook
I tweeted it from @jshernandez
I liked the fb page
I tweeted give away
I shared on fabebook
Mothers are those wonderful people who can get up in the morning before the smell of coffee! My blood type is coffee. No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee’s frothy goodness.
Morning time the most..because I went so long with out while I slept.
I love my coffee best first thing in the morning, in the late afternoon, and in the evening. Yes, I really do love my coffee! We have however, cut back on our coffee drinking, we used to drink it in bed just before we went to sleep too!
Likes you on facebook
Tweeted I tweeted ” Awesome #Giveaway! Win a Nescafe #Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine via @Presleyspantry! Please Re-tweet!“
Liked on Facebook! We need to get you some more likes 😀
Sharing your post on face book.
Tweeted your AWESOME Giveawya from!/Momma_Rabbit
Shared the AWESOME Giveaway on Facebook
I love coffee in my sleep, right before I wake up- I’m dreaming about it.
like you on facebook!
Best time of day for coffee? Still in bed, drifting awake, my husband placing a mug on the bedside table while gently saying, “Time to wake up, honey!”
Liked you on facebook! 🙂
Tweeted! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love my coffee in the morning. Can’t start my day without it.
I liked Presley’s PAntry on Facebook.
I tweeted your giveaway.
I shared your giveaway on my Facebook page.
Well, pretty much anytime cuz I only drink decaf-but hub is glued to his coffee cup!!
i like u on fb 🙂 thank u
I like coffee the most either in the morning or when I need an afternoon pick-me-up!
I “Like” Presley’s Pantry on FB!
oh i JUST tweeted! you should see it, stat! 🙂
Having coffee now… so my bet time is between 8 and 9 am! And, then again at 2ish… love it!
<3 you on FB!
Shared on FB, too! Now, let’s win this thing!! Thanks for sharing a great giveaway!
Luv coffee anytime of the day…but if I had to say between 7-9 am and between 8-9pm.
Shared your sweet tweet.
Shared your giveaway on FB…thanks to Ms. Bren for sharing…I’m sure I will win.
Morning! I enjoy sipping a cup in the morning to start the day, especially in the winter time.
Following on Facebook 🙂
“Liked” the post to share this great giveaway
En cualquier momento del dia, pero sin duda en la manana!
Este es mi tweet!/ComiendoenLA/status/149915071869489152
Te sigo en Twitter y Facebook!
I love having a big cup of coffee soon after waking up! 🙂
I Like Presley’s Pantry on Facebook!/egood33/status/149958154699014144
I love my coffee in the morning.
I like Presley’s Pantry on fb
I love coffee the most in the morning during training / meetings!
Liked Presley’s Pantry on Facebook.!/kpswagger/status/149993498794409984
my favorite time of the day for coffee is anytime!! hahah..but anyways I really like it at lunch 🙂
i follow you on facebook 🙂
i tweeted this!!!!!!/lolusuck1223/status/150059262045986816
i shared the post
Hello insomniacs alike!
I did it all 4 entries for me.
I tweeted you oh so sweet message…@gwensma check me out 🙂
They did not have a love button so i just had to like your FB page. 🙂
I shared your page with all those near and dear and even the not so near and dear on my FB page.
i NEED coffee first thing in the morning.
And because i have a 3 year old daughter i often NEED it thoughout the day!
Thanks for the shot at something awesome!
Merry Christmas!!
Any time is a good time for some goodness!
I Like Presley’s Pantry on Facebook.!/yourpotofgold/status/150338003003392000
omg i love nescafe!!!!!!!!!that machine looks amazing!!!!!!
i love coffee with dinner!!!!!!! would lOVEEEEEE to wiN THIS!! 🙂
i liked you on FB!!
“brittany duffy”
i tweeted it!!
my username is “glamourgirltips”
shared this onFacebook!
morning when i get home from taking my little girl to school
like you on fb
Teh Doll
Sha t
Espresso in the morning, Chai Tea in the afternoon and a nice decaf latte at night!
coffee is the best in the morning. i get it every morning before work
i shared this with my friends on facebook..
I like it first thing in the morning. 1 cup a day unless it is really cold.
I did all 4!
I love to drink coffee in the morning!
I MUST start the day with coffee, every day at 6:30 am is when I start w/my 1st cup. I’d love to win this to help feed my addition.
So who won? It’s been a long time since December 24. Post it in public for all of us who publicly entered.