We’re number ONE! We’re number ONE! I could say that being a REAL California girl. Me and Real California Milk share something in common, we were both born and raised in the golden state. Does that make me part of the creme de la creme? Well either way, since July is National Ice Cream month I wanted to come up with a yummy recipe that reflected my love for California and all the hard working dairy families that have made us number one in the country for total milk production. In short, that means we are making A LOT of Ice Cream here in sunny California! Happy Ice Cream Month folks!
All photos taken by: Nicole Presley
Ingredients for Presley’s signature sundae:
1.75 – quarts vanilla ice cream with the real california milk seal on it.
2 – disks mexican chocolate coarsely chopped (I use Ibarra) (will measure out to one cup)
1 – cup pepitas coarsely chopped
1 – banana
2 – flour tortillas (I use Guerrero – fresquiricas)
1 – cup vegetable oil
1/3 – cup sugar
1 – teaspoon ground cinnamon
Place a 9 x 13 metal baking pan in the freezer and allow to chill. At the same time place your vanilla ice cream in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes to soften. While you wait for your ice cream to soften. Chop chocolate and pepitas.
Take metal pan out of freezer and immediately fill with vanilla ice cream, chocolate and pepitas.
Mix well. Then place ice cream mixture back in freezer for an hour to harden again.
In the meantime….. Let’s make the bunuelos.
On a plate mix sugar and cinnamon together and set to the side.
Over a medium flame in a small frying pan add oil and allow to get hot. Take a cookie cutter of your choice and cut shapes out of the tortillas.
Then add tortilla pieces to oil and fry on each side until golden brown. Remove from oil and let rest on a paper towel for 30 seconds to drain off oil, then dip in sugar cinnamon mixture. Set bunuelos to side to use in sundae once assembled.
Once ice cream is hard frozen again…. pull it out of the freezer.
Then cut two banana slices, and place in a cup. Scoop in some of the ice cream mixture and top with a bunuelo! That’s it….. your done! So addicting. Creamy. Chocolate. Cinnamon. Nutty. Crunch.
For the CREME de la CREME!
What a delicious combination!!!!
We are SO on the same wave length! I love it! I’m going to tri to make this one with the leftover ice cream I have. I’m a sucker for banana and chocolate in my ice cream.
Its looks so good! But you are killing me. I just went on a diet. Had to cut out sweets because I just don’t know how to say no to small portions
Did you say the WHOLE MONTH is dedicated to ice cream? Well, I mean, if it’s official I will just HAVE to eat one every day. And this one sounds like a great way to kick off the celebration!
OMG! I had no idea July was National Ice Cream month. I love it! This looks delicious – las estrellitas estan espectaculares. Any chance you can ship some to Miami? 😉
mmm… que rico !!!
my art brain loves these pics.
I watched a segment on tv this morning and the chef not only took forever but used a bunch of ingredients to make her bunuelos. It made me sad because I thought that’s way too much work and I’ll never ever make my own bunuelos. Then you came along and made them easy peasy with those cute fried flour tortillas cutouts dredged in cinnamon & sugar. Now my hips are angry but my mouth is very happy. Thanks!
Delicioso! Let’s celebrate the national ice cream month!
I absolutely love Ibarra! This looks super delicious! 🙂
Fantastic flavor combination — and with pepitas? Brilliant!
I love all the flavors you featured in this recipe. Would love to try it. Now I want ice cream!
Me muero. I just gained 5 pounds reading this…and loved every second of it.
I want bunuelos now!
love the tortillita star! What a great bite to the ice cream sundae! And since July is ice cream month and i just got a brand spankin new icecream maker, I’m about to go crazy making all kinds of yumminess! 🙂