For those Mexican food-lovers in the Southern California area, there is an amazing annual event coming up, the East LA Meets Napa gala organized by AltaMed. I highly recommend it! This event brings the tastiness of local Latino owned Mexican food restaurants and wine that is made in Northern California, Napa to be exact. I had the pleasure of attending a preview tasting for the event at Loteria Grill a few days ago and let me tell you I made sure I had a bite of everything it had to offer. I attended East LA Meets Napa last year and wouldn’t miss it for the world this year. I am so proud of AltaMed for providing many underserved communities with quality care for the past 41 years. This organization continues to prosper and grow bringing more people/families the health care they need. Support this amazing event by buying a ticket now. It’s a win win. You won’t be sorry because the food is amazing, the wine is sublime and all proceeds go to getting more people healthcare by AltaMed.
Chef Jimmy Shaw was a gracious host and his Tacos Bilingue were some of the best tacos I’ve ever tasted. Beef tongue and pork tongue divided by a slice of avocado. These are the tacos I’ll be looking out for!
It all takes place at Union Station (800 N Alameda St in Los Angeles) Friday, July 19th from 6p.m. to 9p.m. For tickets, click here!
Here are a few photos from last years event. Hope to see you there!
oooh that sounds like so much fun!!! yo quieroooo!!!