Grilled Cheese Sandwich ala Manchego, Fig Jam and Prosciutto

Seeing how April is national Grilled Cheese month, I couldn’t let another day slip by without saluting one of my favorite things in the whole world…. the Grilled Cheese Sandwich.  I usually whip up a grilled cheese sandwich when I want something super fast to eat that will whole heartedly satisfy my soul.  This recipe here happens to be the one my man most enjoys. Heck, who am I kidding, I love it too!

All photos taken by: Nicole Presley

Ingredients for grilled cheese:

French bread loaf

butter (room temperature)

fig jam

manchego cheese


It’s very simple.  Start with two slices of french bread. Spread a 1/2 teaspoon of butter on one side of each slice of bread.  Then on the opposite side spread with fig jam.


Next take a few thin slices of manchego and place atop fig jam side.  I use a cheese slicer to attain the perfect thin-ness.

Now add a slice or two of prosciutto to the manchego and bring the two slice of bread together to make your sandwich.  Butter sides should be on the outside.


In a non-stick pan over a medium high flame add sandwich and allow to crisp on each side for 4 to 5 minutes or until perfectly golden brown!

 HAppy GrillEd ChEEsY MoNth! 



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