Eat your Greens to Give some Green… with Whole Foods Market.

I usually ride the craving wave of what my body wants to eat, and 50% of the time it yearns for salad. Sometimes as a main meal and sometimes as a side. Now the same can’t be said for my son, and I’m having a difficult time introducing salad into his diet. I keep trying and looking for new ways to make this introduction a lifelong habit of his. I want to teach him young to eat healthy. Do I mix more red ingredients in the salad? Should I start with just lettuce? What if I cut all the vegetables up into cute shapes? I tell you it’s been a struggle. Long story short, I was absolutely thrilled when I heard Whole Foods Market (Southern Pacific Region- Southern California, Hawaii, Arizona, and Las Vegas) are donating $$$$$ to help put in salad bars at local schools. My son’s school doesn’t have a salad bar, but if they did this would help with my salad training efforts, not just for my boy but for kids all over the district. Sign me up… What do I have to do? On Sunday Sept. 9th, 2012 Whole Foods Market will donate $1.00 for every pound of food purchased from the salad bar and hot food bars to move salad bars into local schools through The Whole Kids Foundation.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Whole Foods Market, but is a cause I truly stand behind and am proud to be a part of. 



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