Category: Vegetarian Corner

Flautas De Papa

Flautas De Papa


I have a friend named Mely Martinez. I met her on Instagram @MexicoInMyKitchen a few years ago and we started following each other. What I noticed right away about Mely from watching her stories is that she is the queen of practicality and knows everything about freezing food and making a delicious meal out of a few key ingredients. She’s also a serious badass in the kitchen and knows the history of Mexican food like the back of her hand (she was born and raised in Tampico, Mexico). I love watching her prepare her breakfast meals and wish I could be invited one day to take a seat at her kitchen table, but she lives in Texas and I live in Los Angeles… so WAH!

Sopa Azteca De Tortilla

Sopa Azteca De Tortilla


Sopa Azteca De Tortilla brings back so many wonderful memories for me. My beloved grandfather used to make this delicious Tortilla Aztec Soup anytime there was an abundance of potatoes in the house. I used to look forward to the gooey cheese, savory chile broth, and crisp tortilla strips. In remembrance of my beautiful grandpa for Dia De Los Muertos, I’ve partnered with Ole Mexican Foods to share his infamous Sopa Azteca De Tortilla! Just like my grandpa used to… I used La Banderita Flour Tortillas to fry up perfectly crisp tortilla strips.

Count Cheesy-LA Monsterpiece

Count Cheesy-LA Monsterpiece


Halloween is upon us like the murky fog in a haunted graveyard. It is time to get creepy crawly and invite our favorite vampires out do the Monster Mash. If you plan on having a small group of goons (your family) over for All Hallow’s Eve make this Count Cheesy-La Monsterpiece to hold court center table! Beware he may release his batty appetizers into your mouth. Follow the instructions below on how to make your very own Count Cheesy-La Monsterpiece. #Home4Halloween

Calavera Conchas

Calavera Conchas


These Calavera Conchas came to me in a dream. I was setting up my alter for Dia De Los Muertos and kept saying I wanted something that would pop. A voice with no face suggested conchas. I’m not sure if it was a subconscious element that suggested conchas since that is what my Grandfather used to eat with his coffee or if it was my grandfather paying me a visit in dream form. I woke up and knew I had to bring them to life. I hope you will make them and let them pop on your alter…. not to mention they are absolutely delicious!

Caramel Toffee Apple Vampire Bites

Caramel Toffee Apple Vampire Bites


Halloween is clawing it’s way closer, and the horrific truth is… it’s not safe with a deadly pandemic looming to celebrate the way we’ve been able to in the past. Wouldn’t it be absolutely FANTASTIC FRIGHTNENING if we could all come up with ideas of how to celebrate #Home4Halloween with #SafeScares for our favorite gruesome goblins. Let’s flood the IG feed with great ideas so no one feels like they are missing out. The point is we can still celebrate at home with our families, since group festivities are not recommended for Halloween 2020.

Potato Soy Chorizo Quiche

Potato Soy Chorizo Quiche

This shop has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #McCormickMayonesa #MayonesaAtKroger


I’m regularly trying to find ways to improve my Potato Soy Chorizo Quiche. I know it doesn’t sound like a major task but getting the right ingredients to work for a delicious Mexican quiche is a goal I visit often. After many variations of this dish I found my key ingredient that makes all the difference in the quiche world. McCormick® Mayonesa with Lime Juice is a simple way to liven up your favorite dishes but is truly a game changer for quiche.

Mushroom Tempura Sushi #SocialClubRecipe

Mushroom Tempura Sushi #SocialClubRecipe

The following content is intended for readers who are 21 or older. This shop has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence. All opinions are mine alone. #SocialClubRecipe #SocialClub #TopShelfSeltzer


I was seriously missing Date Night on the town with my man. On occasion he and I would head out for an adult night and venture downtown for the most delicious vegetarian sushi and a good solid mixed drink. Those days have been scaled back drastically and I’m finding new ways to recreate an equally upbeat Date Night here at home.

I recently discovered the premium Social Club Seltzer – It comes in 3 fantastic flavors: Sidecar, Old Fashioned, and Citrus Gimlet. Social Club Seltzer reminds me of the sophisticated attitude of the golden 20’s. It is the epitome of elevation in seltzer beverages with quality and superiority. I pride myself on having a penchant for bubbly drinks and these being top shelve are a must for my Date Night at home.
