Tag: Wilton’s melting pot

Dip And Drizzle In Chocolate With Wilton’s Melting Pot

Dip And Drizzle In Chocolate With Wilton’s Melting Pot

Chocolate dipped snacks using  #WiltonCandyMelts

The thought of melted chocolate on anything my heart desires makes me go all googley eyed. Yes, I’m a chocolate fanatic. In fact, I went to a brunch last year where a free flowing dessert fountain oozed with an abundance of melted chocolate that could spark the envy of Willy Wonka. I was tempted to jump in and swim in a pool of chocolate, but I behaved myself and acted like a grown up. Instead I opted to make a cozy little seat at the rim of the basin and eat until my heart was content. As I sat at the edge of the fountain reaching over to dip my strawberries and marshmallows, I thought to myself “If only I could have a small portion of this melted chocolate to dip whenever I wanted. Oh that would be such giddy fun!” I imagined all the spectacular  projects I could do with my son, or how decorative the snacks would be at my next party. 

It seems Wilton has granted me my wishes, because they now have this amazing little pot to melt your chocolate melts in: Wilton Candy Melts™ Candy Melting Pot.  You choose the flavor, add them to the silicone lined pot, and let them melt. What you choose to dip or drizzle is up to you. Plus Wilton has the coolest tools to help make the whole dipping process a lot easier. Here’s the cool part, when your done, all you have to do is let the chocolate cool completely in the fridge, then pop it out of the silicone lined pot… So easy, and more importantly there is very little mess if any at all.

Nicole Presley and Ericka Sanchez #WiltonCandyMelts
chocolate dipped cookie #wiltoncandymeltsA few weeks ago my friend Ericka from Nibbles and Feasts hosted a “dip and drizzle” party here at my house, and invited over a handful of delicious friends: Wilton candy melts, pretzels, strawberries, marshmallows, cookies, potato chips, Wilton Candy Melts™ Candy Melting Pots, and a bunch of blogger friends. We had such a swell time dipping and drizzling, and of course the snacks were gone before we could even let them set and harden. Here are a few pictures from the party. Oh, and do yourself a favor…. melt some chocolate and dip away. 

friends dipping and drizzling #WiltonCandyMelts

chocolate dipped snacks for #wiltoncandymelts

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Wilton. However all opinions are my own.