Tag: Osea

Celebrating Family Traditions And The Latin Grammy Awards

Celebrating Family Traditions And The Latin Grammy Awards


There is plenty to be thankful for this holiday season. A year ago my workload was not nearly as full. I have been presented with amazing opportunity in the last 6 months and it food spreadseems like a little lucky rabbit foot has decided it’s my turn to go at it.  Getting invited to the Latin Grammy Awards last week as a Walmart Mom /representative is no exception.

The next thing I knew…. I was in Las Vegas in a fancy hotel suite surrounded by wonderful food, a small army of celebrities, and  nice women offering to paint my nails and rub my feet. Yes, I am thankful. With a natural excitement surrounding the Latin Grammy Awards, and Thanksgiving only being a few days away, it only made sense that I would sit down with a few people and talk about family traditions and what I know best….. FOOD. Watch the video below as my friend / fellow Walmart Mom Ruby Wright from Growing Up Blackxican and I interview Natassja Bolivar – Miss Nicaragua 2013, Victor Florencio – El Niño Prodigo, and Lourdes Stephen Victor Florencio – Hostess of Sal Y Pimienta and we all talk about favorite holiday dishes!

I was also very thankful to be able to attend the actual Latin Grammy Award show the next day. It was a surreal experience and unlike any other show I had been to. Of course I poserhave watched many award shows on TV, but there is something uber cool about seeing all  the production of a massive show unfold such as a Grammy Awards show. I loved watching the camera cranes stretch across the room, all the teleprompters, who was wearing what, how the musicians behaved once the camera pulled away, the fireworks on stage, and watching from a bird’s eye view how nice and loving all these artist were towards one another. I can’t tell you how many times I saw Enrique Iglesias hug, kiss, and squeeze his fellow musicians. Or how Carlos Vives had a genuine look of happiness in his eyes when a fellow artist would win an award. Being a witness to this small community of people made me think of all the wonderful friends I have made in this blogging community. I thought of the support I Ruby-Nicolehave been given, and the unbreakable bonds I have built. I realized how truly grateful I am for my old friends and look forward to a long road ahead with my new friends. I imagine there will be plenty of food conversation in the future, and many meals to share, and for all these realizations and for my most treasured pastime of culinary adventures…. I am most grateful. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! Thank you Walmart for giving me this awesome opportunity, it was an extremely cool experience. Below is a little snippet of Ruby and I enjoying the Grammy finale confetti as it rains down on us! OSEA!
