Tag: Mexican gelatina mold

NESCAFÉ® CLÁSICO Con Leche y Cajeta Gelatina

NESCAFÉ® CLÁSICO Con Leche y Cajeta Gelatina

This post has been sponsored by NESCAFÉ® . All thoughts and opinions are my own. NESCAFE® and CLASICO™ are trademarks owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland.

Sharing a moment with my Mom over Nescafé Clásico and gelatina.

My main focus these days is being present with my family. This allows me to savor all special moments, especially during the holiday season. I have learned one thing for certain in 2020, and that is family time is absolutely precious and needs to be celebrated as such. To ensure I have the energy to do so… I reach for that rich bold flavor of  NESCAFE® CLASICO™ at high noon to get me over that nagging mid-day crash. First, I run over to Walmart to pick up all my ingredients, then jump into a dessert making frenzy to share with my family over a laugh and a smile.

 My Mom reminds me that my great grandma used to say “There’s always room for gelatina.” As a Latina, it is part of my genetic make up to not only want to eat a slice of gelatina, but to make it look like an invite to the rest of my family too. I make my NESCAFE® CLASICO™ con leche y cajeta gelatina as an open invitation to the table for my family to share a moment at the end of the day. I use NESCAFE® CLASICO™ in my gelatina along with a cajeta for the creamy layers, and wow does it make a difference. All the ingredients are easy to find…. I got mine at my local Walmart store. I hope you’ll try this easy recipe and share it with your familia too.

NESCAFÉ® CLÁSICO Con Leche y Cajeta Gelatina

Ingredients for NESCAFE® CLASICO™ con leche y cajeta gelatina:

  • 6 teaspoons Nescafe Clasico
  • 7 – cups hot water
  • 6 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 9 – envelopes of gelatin or agar-agar
  • 4- cups of milk or
  • 1 – cup sugar
  • 2 – cups cajeta
Savoring the moment with NESCAFÉ® CLÁSICO Con Leche y Cajeta Gelatina!


1. Spray a 12 cup bundt pan with a non- stick cooking spray. Be sure to spray the center cone as well. Set to the side.

2. Set out 6 separate bowls. In 1 of them add 2 cups boiling hot water, 3 teaspoons NESCAFE® CLASICO™, and 3 tablespoons brown. Mix to combine. Sprinkle 1 ½ envelope of gelatin over coffee mixture mix until completely incorporated and gelatin powder is dissolved.

3. Pour into the bundt pan. Place the pan in the fridge for 60 minutes. 

4. In a small sauce over a low flame add in 2 cups of milk and 1 1/2 packets of gelatin. Mix the mixture constantly with a rubber spatula until all gelatin has dissolved, then add in 1/2 cup of sugar and mix in until the sugar dissolves into milk. Remove from flame and allow to cool while the coffee portion of gelatin is setting in the fridge.

5. You will know if the first layer is done by pressing on the top with your finger…. if your fingerprint is left in the top, then you are safe to add the next layer.

6. Gently pour in a milk layer and place gelatin mold back in the fridge for 60 minutes. 

7. Next in a small sauce over a low flame add in 1 1/2 cups of water and 1 1/2 packets of gelatin. Mix the mixture constantly with a rubber spatula until all gelatin has dissolved, then add in 1 cup of cajeta and mix in until the mixture combines completely. Remove from flame and allow to cool while gelatin is setting in the fridge.

8. Remove gelatin from fridge and add the next cajeta layer, place back in the fridge for 60 minutes.

9. Repeat steps 2 -8.

10. Once you are done with the last layer place back in fridge and let firm overnight.


11. The un-molding of the gelatin mold can be a little tricky. First with both hands gently pull gelatin away from the wall of your bundt pan, using your fingertips. Work your way all the way around little by little. Don’t forget the center. In a big bowl filled up with warm/hot water, slowly glide the bundt pan into the water bath and let it rest there for about 15 seconds. You will see the insides of the bundt pan become slightly moist… this is the sign you are looking for. Remove pan from water and dry it off with a towel. Then place a plate on top of the pan and flip it over to invert gelatin mold onto the plate. Gently remove the pan and you will have a beautiful and delicious gelatin mold. Place it back in the fridge until ready to serve.

12. Can be made up to 4 days in advance. Keep covered with plastic wrap in the fridge. 

Here’s a recipe for Nescafé iced coffee!