Tag: Guacahummus

Maura’s #ILoveAvocados Live Party And Yummy GuacaHummus

Maura’s #ILoveAvocados Live Party And Yummy GuacaHummus

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Latina Bloggers Connect and Avocados From Mexico. My opinions are 100% my own.

I had never had guacahummus till a few days ago at a wonderful live party hosted by Maura and Latina Bloggers Connect for Avocados from Mexico.  It is wonderfully addicting and so easy to indulge in the whole bowl, which is what I would have been doing if I wasn’t in a party situation where we are taught to share.  Instead I waited patiently and acted civilized until it was my turn again to dip away.  I’m sure you already know how much I love avocados from reading this blog but this was a new dish I had never tasted so I had to remain calm.

Meanwhile Maura made other delicious treats for us to snack on Mango guacamole, green chile avocado queso served with tortillas, and avocado paletas, all of which were superb.  I was just thankful to be able to attend a fun fiesta surrounded by some of my favorite blogging ladies.  We noshed on our avocado delights and gulped down the delicious aguas Maura prepared.  At the end of the day I told my friends ANYTIME they want to invite me to a party to eat avocados from Mexico, feel more than welcomed. Here is the recipe from Maura (her blog is called The Other Side Of The Tortilla) for her most delicious guacahummus.  If you make it, make sure to invite me over.

Ingredients for GuacaHummus:

  • 1 cup hummus
  • 1 medium Hass avocado
  • juice of one lime


1. In a food processor, blend 1 cup of hummus with 1 medium Hass avocado and the juice of one lime. Use a spatula to scrape all the guacahummus out of the bowl into a serving dish.

2. Serve with hearty tortilla chips.

Recipe by Maura Wall Hernandez from The Other Side of The Tortilla

Ericka and I eating Maura’s avocado paletas at such a speed.  Mine was nearly gone when this photo was snapped.  Just a testament to how good they are! Click here for the recipe.

If now I’ve tempted you with visions of avocado love and you need more…. here are a couple of my own recipes to make:


Avocado Bruschetta                                            Grilled Corn Queso Fresco Avocado Salad


Baked Artichoke Avocado Dip                           Shrimp Avocado Ceviche


Chicken Enchiladas in a Avocado Sauce           Guacamole and Flour Tortilla Strips

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Latina Bloggers Connect and Avocados From Mexico. My opinions are 100% my own.