Tag: Eggs

California Migas Scramble

California Migas Scramble


When I hear California Freestyle I think of my kitchen. I freestyle every  time I turn the stove flame on. I bring all my favorite California flavors together under one flame… a little Mexican, some delicious fresh veggies, and Real California Dairy! Butter, crema, and CHEESE!!! I whip it up morning day and night for breakfast, lunch or the munchies. One of my favorite breakfast dishes that I throw down with in my cocina is a big ol plate of California Migas Scramble sprinkled with Real California Truffle Cheese. As long as my dairy has the Real California Seal… I know it’s gonna be GOOD! You can thank me later if you make this recipe.


Ingredients for California Migas Scramble:

  • 5 corn tortillas
  • ¼ cup vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon Real California butter
  • ¼ cup zucchini chopped
  • ¼ cup onion chopped
  • 1/3 cup asparagus, chopped
  • 4  mushrooms (sliced)
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons Real California crema
  • 1/2 cup Real California Toma truffle cheese, grated
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Cut corn tortillas into small ¼ inch squares.  
  2. In a large frying pan over a medium flame add in vegetable oil. Allow to get hot.
  3. Fry the corn tortillas,  flipping them often, making them into crisp chips. 
  4. Remove chips from oil and drain on a paper towel lined plate. Sprinkle with salt. 
  5. Drain out excess oil from the pan.
  6. Place frying pan back over the flame and add in butter to melt.
  7. Sauté zucchini, onion and asparagus  for 3 to 4 minutes to soften.
  8. Add in mushrooms and continue to sauté for an additional 4 minutes. 
  9. Add in corn chips and mix completely. 
  10. In a bowl whisk eggs and Real California Crema  then pour them over the veggie/corn chip mixture.
  11. Mix to combine, and continue to cook until eggs are completely cooked.
  12. Sprinkle cheese over the top and allow to melt.
  13. Serve hot, and garnish with California sour cream and avocado. 

For more California Freestyle recipe inspiration, check out The Real California Milk Website!


Revuelto de Migas de California:

Cuando escucho California Freestyle pienso en mi cocina. Hago estilo libre cada vez que enciendo la llama de la estufa. Reúno todos mis sabores favoritos de California bajo una sola llama… ¡un poco de comida mexicana, algunas deliciosas verduras frescas y productos lácteos Real California! Mantequilla, crema y QUESO!!! Lo preparo mañana día y noche para el desayuno, el almuerzo o los bocadillos. Uno de mis platos de desayuno favoritos que preparo en mi cocina es un plato grande de California Migas Scramble espolvoreado con Real California Truffle Cheese. Mientras mi lechería tenga el sello Real California… ¡Sé que será BUENO! Puedes agradecerme más tarde si haces esta receta.

Ingredientes para las Migas Revueltas de California:

  • 5 tortillas de maíz
  • ¼ taza de aceite vegetal
  • 1 cucharada de mantequilla
  • ¼ taza de calabacín picado
  • ¼ taza de cebolla picada
  • 1/3 taza de espárragos picados
  • 4 champiñones (rebanados)
  • 4 huevos
  • 2 cucharadas de crema Real California
  • 1/2 taza de queso trufado Real California, rallado
  • Sal y pimienta para probar

1. Corte las tortillas de maíz en cuadrados pequeños de ¼ de pulgada.

2. En una sartén grande a fuego medio agregue el aceite vegetal. Deje que se caliente.

3. Freír las tortillas de maíz, volteándolas con frecuencia, hasta convertirlas en totopos crujientes.

4. Retire las chispas del aceite y escúrralas en un plato forrado con toallas de papel. Espolvorear con sal.

5. Drene el exceso de aceite de la sartén.

6. Vuelva a colocar la sartén sobre la llama y agregue la mantequilla para que se derrita.

7. Saltee el calabacín, la cebolla y los espárragos durante 3 a 4 minutos para que se ablanden.

8. Agregue los champiñones y continúe salteando durante 4 minutos más.

9. Agregue los chips de maíz y mezcle completamente.

10. En un tazón, bata los huevos y la crema Real California y luego viértalos sobre la mezcla de vegetales y chips de maíz.

11. Mezcle para combinar y continúe cocinando hasta que los huevos estén completamente cocidos.

12. Espolvorea queso por encima y deja que se derrita.

13. Sirva caliente y decore con crema agria y aguacate.

An Ultimate Side Dish: Korean Fried Rice

An Ultimate Side Dish: Korean Fried Rice

My mouth waters at the anticipation of this dish.  I remember the first time I watched my friend Ji-Young make it, I was shocked that she was using day old steamed rice out of the fridge and SPAM.  Call me sheltered if you’d like but I don’t think I had ever tasted SPAM at that point in my life and didn’t quite know what to expect.  Actually I had never experienced kimchi in a fried rice either, so the results were going to enlighten my palate.  As she prepared the rice she told me, “Whenever you add kimchi to a fried rice you must fry the rice in butter.  If we were just adding meat and veggies we would fry in oil.”  I shoved that tip in my pocket, took it home and deposited it in my memory bank.  Finally the rice was done…… I dug my chopsticks in and never looked back.  In my opinion this rice is one of the BEST side dishes you can place on the table.  Thank you Miss Moon for introducing me to this delectable treat.  I hope my version represents your special dish well.

Ingredients for Korean Fried Rice:

3 – tablespoons butter

1 – heaping cup spam (cubed small)

1 – cup onion (sliced)

2 – cups kimchi (chopped small)

4 – cups steamed rice (a day old)

3 – eggs

4 – sprigs green onion (sliced & chopped)

1/2 – tablespoon soy sauce

1 – tablespoon sesame seeds

In a large frying pan over a medium high flame add 1 tablespoon butter and allow to melt then add cubed spam.  Fry until spam is slightly crisp, about 5 minutes.  Then add in onion and mix well.  Continue to fry for about 2 to 3 minutes.


Next add in 2 tablespoons of butter and allow to melt into spam and onions, then add in chopped kimchi.  Fry in pan for about 4 to 5 minutes.

Once the kimchi and onions are nice and soft add the day old rice.  It will take a second to break it up into the kimchi mixture.  Mix well.

Once the rice is combined lower the flame to a simmer.  In a separate pan make some scrambled eggs then add to the rice, then top with green onion and soy sauce.  Mix well.


Lastly sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve HOT!!!!!  Eat with a piece of meat or by it’s lonesome…. D-LISH!

All photos taken by: Mando Lopez

Webisode 1: Chile Relleno Recipe

Webisode 1: Chile Relleno Recipe

Greetings!  I’m so excited to share my very first webisode with you!  This is numero uno of many, many more to come.  Sit in a comfy place cuz this is a 15 minute instructional recipe.  Meet Flavio the Bolillo and watch me cook up one of my specialties…. Chile Rellenos!

Ingredients for chile rellenos:

6 – anaheim chiles
vegetable oil
garlic cloves
huerito chile
black pepper
Lawry’s seasoning salt
garlic powder
tomato sauce
El Pato
Jack cheese
a dozen eggs

A big thank you to my crew…. we made it through the heat! 

Director: Mando Lopez and James Ford

Producer: Lacey Reilly

Director of Photography: Tony Molina

Editor: James Ford

Color Correction:  Eric Johnson

Set Design:  Linda Sena

Equipment: Paul Hopkins (Thx!)

Music: Anger Bros

Photos: Luz Gallardo

Make- up/Nails: Janine Presley

Necklace designed by: Lisa Rocha