Tag: Chili Beans recipe

Turkey Chorizo Chili Dogs

Turkey Chorizo Chili Dogs

My family gets together for hot summer fun days throughout the warm months of June, July, and August.  You can bet your bottom dollar there will be water balloon fights involved, swimming, and lots of laughter.  The food is always the main highlight of the gathering with an assortment of everyone’s favorite dishes… a smorgasbord if you will.  We have to make sure to have salsa and chips for my Mom, cheeseburgers for the kids, macaroni salad for my Aunts, bar-b-qued ribs for my Uncles, and THE MUST HAVE  for everyone else (me included) is the classic chili dog.  Of course I make my own version of a classic chili dog, and my twist is adding flavorful RO*TEL.

You start off with an exquisite pot of chili beans.  I make mine simple and ultra tasty, with only 5 ingredients.  It’s the RO*TEL that gives them that burst of zesty flavor that makes you lick your chops and eat like there is no tomorrow.  They’re so good you serve them on top of your hot-dogs and serve a little bowl on the side for more chili bean goodness.  I look forward to my summer, getting splashed by the kids in the pool, dodging water balloons, spending quality time with my family and eating chili dogs!

Last one in is a rotten egg!

Ingredients for turkey chorizo chili:

1 – package pork chorizo (casing removed and cooked)

1/2 – cup chopped onion

1 – pound ground turkey (cooked)

5 – cups cooked pinto beans

1 – can RO*TEL (mild)

In a medium sized pot over a medium flame add chorizo and onions and saute for a minute or so.  Then add in cooked turkey meat.  Mix well.  Add in cooked pinto beans, and entire can of mild RO*TEL.  Mix well and allow for mixture to get hot.

Try to resist eating the entire pot…. you still have dogs to grill.  Take a few frankfurters and slice them with a knife, here and there adding some slits.  Then throw them on a hot grill and cook till they are to your liking.  I like mine slightly charred.

Place your warm frankfurter in a bun and top with turkey chorizo chili beans for the best chili dogs ever!


Garnish with cheddar cheese and onions…. Mmmmm my mouth is watering.

Here’s a picture of the “Chili Dog Vulture”… Identify him now and be on the look out, he may show up the next time you are enjoying a chili dog made with RO*TEL and snag your plate. 🙂

All photos taken by: Nicole Presley and Mando Lopez


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.  The recipe and all opinions are my own.