Tag: Breakfast Beast Boy Burrito

Breakfast Beast Boy Burrito

Breakfast Beast Boy Burrito

Thank you Warner Bros. Animation and Allied Contigo for inviting my family and I to the premiere of Teen Titans Go Movie to aid with this post.

Vegetarian breakfast burrito inspired by Beast Boy from Teen Titans Go!

Last week my family was invited to the premiere of Teen Titans Go Movie. My son Max is a big fan, so of course I accepted the invitation. In anticipation of the film I started asking Max a ton of questions about the characters. My first question: What do the Teen Titans eat? It was interesting to hear my 8 year old answer this. In a nutshell he said they eat nothing but ‘junk food’ (his word) and fast food. Hamburgers, and chicken nuggets…. basically things we don’t eat at home. I thought ‘great, what am I going to create for this Teen Titan Go Movie post?” Then he said , “Except Beast Boy, he’s a vegetarian and he loves burritos, salads, tofu, and carrots.” My eyes lit up for several reasons. (more…)