Tag: Biscuits from scratch

Rosemary Buttermilk Biscuits And Fiskars Gardening Shears

Rosemary Buttermilk Biscuits And Fiskars Gardening Shears

Rosemary buttermilk biscuits made from scratch and served with butter and fig orange jam

It’s time for me to get in touch with my southern roots. I spent some time in Nashville, Tennessee recently and everywhere I went out to eat…. I was served a basket of freshly baked biscuits. I nearly died from happiness, they reminded me of the lovely rosemary buttermilk biscuits my southern Great Grandmother Presley used to make me when I was Fiskars-gardeninga little girl. I always remember her with her Fiskar gardening shears out in her backyard cutting fresh rosemary from her herb garden, that would eventually end up in our supper. It was those days that I look back on so fondly and wish I talk to her and ask who she learned to make biscuits from? Or why she choose to plant rosemary, since it’s so hard to cut? Who introduced her to Fiskar for the first time? Since I no longer have the luxury of talking to her, the next best thing I can do, is make a version of her biscuits. I am no longer going to let anything keep me from my baked biscuits, and luckily I have a rosemary bush growing in my backyard, just like Great Grandma Presley. Like her, I cut my rosemary with Fiskar’s Gardener: Platinum Series™ Smooth-action Pruner and am following in her footsteps in the kitchen too.

Fiskar gardening shears cutting rosemary Freshly cut rosemary waiting to be put in a biscuit

Since I had all these questions about the lovely gardening shears my grandmother treasured, I decided to do a little research…. this is what I found out:

  • Fiskars turned 365 years old on October 31st 2014 and was founded in 1649 in Fiskars, Finland. Fiskars was founded in the Fiskars Village in Finland, which still exists today!
  • Nearly 100 artists and designers currently live in the Fiskars Village. The creation of Orange Handled-Scissors was purely by chance.
  • To use up extra plastic in the molding machine, left over from our orange juicer production, Fiskars created the first Orange Handled-Scissors. The color orange won out by two votes.
  • Ideal for cutting stems and light branches.
  • Self-lubricating, maintenance-free bearing drive.
  • Fully hardened, precision-ground steel blade stays sharp, even through heavy use.
  • Steel construction provides excellent durability.
  • Softgrip® touchpoints enhance comfort and control.
  • Easy-open lock protects the blade during transport and storage.
  • Bypass blade style.
  • Maximum cutting capacity: 5/8″ dia.
  • Lifetime warranty

Ingredients for rosemary buttermilk biscuits:

  • 2 – cups bread flour
  • 2 – teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 – tablespoon sugar
  • 1 – teaspoon coarse sea salt
  • 1 – teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 – cup butter (cold- cut into tablespoons)
  • 1 – tablespoon rosemary (coarsely chopped)
  • 3/4 – cup buttermilk plus 2 tablespoons for brushing the tops


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Line a cookie sheet with a non-stick baking mat or parchment paper. Set to the side.
  3. In a large bowl sift flour, baking powder, sugar, sea salt, and baking soda together. Set to the side.
  4. In a food processor, transfer 1 3/4 cups of dry ingredients and butter. Pulse together until crumbly. Butter and flour mixture in a food processor waiting to be made into biscuit dough
  5. Mix rosemary into remaining dry ingredients, then add in the crumbly buttery mixture from the food processor. Mix well.
  6. Make a well in the center of the mixture, and slowly pour the buttermilk into the center. Pour buttermilk into the center of well to make biscuits
  7. Mix with a wooden spoon until the mixture comes together.
  8. Pour the biscuit mixture on a lightly floured surface, and knead with floured hands until the dough comes together.
  9. Pat the dough down as much as possible with your bare hands, then using a 3 inch circle cookie cutter, cut out as many circles as you can. cut dough with round cookie cutter for perfect biscuits
  10. Place biscuits on the baking sheet and gently brush each top with buttermilk.Brush the top of the biscuit dough with buttermilk
  11. Bake for 15 minutes.
  12. Serve with butter and jam.

Buy a pair of amazing Fiskar gardening pruners…. by clicking here! Then make your own biscuits!
