Mickey’s Halloween Party At Disneyland

Mickey’s Halloween Party At Disneyland
Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. Disneyland provided me with passes for my family to Mickey’s Halloween Party and meal vouchers to help aid me with my post.
Me and my family at Mickey's Halloween Party

I woke up to the sparkling green wristband still fastened around my wrist. Then slowly, pops of the night before were replaying in my still sleepy memory. Disneyland had transformed itself into a Halloween party. Main street was decorated in true pumpkin fashion (no two pumpkins are alike).

Halloween Time 10_10_DL_00569

Eerie music filled the air, and there was candy everywhere. The magic of Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland was seriously one of the best family events I have ever attended.  I’m sure part of the reason is due to the fact that my son and his cousin had so much fun. Just to see their smiling faces soaking it all in,  is enough to bring any parent overwhelming satisfaction. What I love best are the cart stations loaded with candy and healthy treats for kids and adults too. Guests are allowed to come dressed in costume for a trick or treating extravaganza in the magical kingdom and join in on the costume contest.

Trick or treat

There are still 11 nights to enjoy Mickey’s Halloween Party (schedule posted below).  There are so many fun things to do and here are just a few.

The “Halloween Screams” fireworks spectacular, hosted by “Master of Scare-omonies” Jack Skellington and his little ghost dog Zero. Watch as the night sky fills with the spooky vibrant colors of the Halloween theme!


You can’t miss Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy, which zooms into a haunted section of the universe where ghosts appear out of the starry darkness and the exhilarating twists and turns are accompanied by piercing screams and frightening music. There are creepy eyes that follow you through space. It’s a must do!

HalloweenTime Remotes

Then of course….Jack Skellington is back to reclaim the Haunted Mansion. This awesome ride inspired by Tim Burton’s “Nightmare Before Christmas” is an equal mix of eerie  Halloween and Christmas traditions. Plus this year the gingerbread house in the Mansion ballroom is new. Come and join the fun.

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My family and I had a great time at the Halloween Carnival, in Frontierland.  We loved the  new magic show presented on the Halloween Carnival stage at Big Thunder Ranch. Nearby they also conjured up a Disney Villain at the “Astounding Cauldron of Magic” sideshow tent. Here are a few pics of our day and a video of how I was transformed into the crystal ball by the house fortune teller.


Max at Disneyland Halloween time 2014

The 2014 dates for Mickey’s Halloween Party are: Friday, Sept. 26; Tuesday, Sept. 30; Friday, Oct. 3; Monday, Oct. 6, Wednesday, Oct. 8; Friday, Oct. 10; Tuesday, Oct. 14; Friday, Oct. 17; Monday, Oct. 20; Wednesday, Oct. 22; Friday, Oct. 24; Monday, Oct. 27; Wednesday, Oct. 29; and Friday, Oct. 31.






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